Publish content for a period of time

With this publishing rule, you can control the period of time your content plays. You can limit it to a date, days of the week, or even hours.

For a refresher about publishing basics, click here.

  1. In your screenpublishing account, select a piece of content and choose “Publish” from the menu options.
  2. Choose the Player you want to display the content on.
    publish to player
  3. Next, look at the “Playback Restrictions” box. Change it from “Play with no restriction” to “Play only when…”
    play only when
  4. Then click the blue “Add Restriction” button. Change the radio checkbox from “Always Play” to “During a Period of Time”.
    set period of time
  5. Here you can adjust:
      • Days of the week, from Sunday to Saturday.
      • Specific periods of time in hours, minutes, and seconds.
      • Day, month, and year it will start and finish playing. You can also leave this field blank, configuring the content to start today without an end date.


  6. Confirm this configuration with the orange “Apply” button at the bottom-right corner. Then confirm another time with the “Publish” button.
  7. Your content is successfully published to your Player. All playback information is shown next to the Player thumbnail.Note that the restriction you just created is valid only on the selected player.restricted content published