How to schedule download hours for Players

By default, the Players are set to look for updates in realtime throughout the week. Each new file you put in a Campaign will be instantly downloaded to the Player. However, you can customize this option to your needs. You can modify when the Player will search for new files and with what frequency.

  1. In your screenpublishing account, select the “Players” tab on the left.
  2. Select the Player you want to modify.*You can also apply the changes to all Players with the Default Player Settings or apply them to a Group of devices.
  3. Click the “Settings” button on the menu on the left.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the new page till you reach “Network Data Usage”.
    • Under “Content Update Interval”, modify the frequency by which the Player will check for new available content. The interval ranges from Realtime to 24 hours.
    • Mark the “Days of the Week” on which the Player will download the content. The Player will check for updates on this schedule at the frequency you defined in the previous step. Next to the days of the week, you can set start and end times.If the time and duration should vary per day of the week, click on “Add Another” to add different times.
  2. Click on “Save Changes”.