How to display instagram pictures

Presenting Instagram’s pictures is one way of showing photos without the need to uploading them to [white_label] server. You also won’t spend storage space.

    1. On your [white_label] account, click on “App” tab on the top of the page.
    2. Click on “Add App” on the upper-right corner.
    3. On the pop-up window, select “Social Network” on the left menu.

social media menu

    1. There are two different apps layout available. Check them out:
      • Instagram app: This version displays one photo at a time for the duration you set. Also setup whether you want to display caption or not.

Instagram app

Before using this app, make sure you have already integrated your account to [white_label].

      • Instagram grid app: This layout display a customizable grid with up to 20 photos. Each photo changes randomly every few seconds.

Instragram grid app

Note you need to integrate your Instagram account in order to display it on your signage! Check out tutorial.

    1. Select what is going to be the source of your content. Firstly select your Instagram account (if you have more than one), and pick one of the options:
      • Display your account’s feed.
      • Display your liked photos.
      • Enter any instagram account.

As you finish filling the settings, click on “Save” on the bottom of the page. Now you can display beautiful images in your screen and catch all eye’s attention in the room!