Website Link App – Adding a URL to your signage

With the Website Link App you can quickly present a website and configure to either block or allow users to interact.

Here are the steps to configure the Website Link App:

  1. To find the App Galley button, you go to the “Content” page and click on “New” at the top left part of the screen close.
  2. With clicking the “New”, the “App” button is then revealed.
  3. Select Web & Media from the sidebar menu of the pop-up screen.
  4. Choose the “Website Link App“.
  5. Give your App a name. This is how you will find and refer to your App in the system
  6. Paste the target website link in the URL field. For example: Let’s say you would like to show BBC Web Page
    • Note for SoC Players – Some websites have a setting called X-Frame Option that can block SoC players from presenting a specific URL. Click here to test your URL and find out if the page you want to show has any X-Frame Option restriction.
  7. “Save” the App settings. You are ready to create your campaign and display websites using this App!URL APPAdding interactivity:
    • By default, the URL App will block user clicks. Check and  “Allow user interaction” in case you want the user to be able to navigate within the shown web content.

Additional App notes:

  • The page will be opened using your player’s browser, hence rendering may look different compared to your desktop. We suggest you test the final look on the target player before deploying the content.
  • Some pages may have a particular security setting preventing it to be opened within the Website Link App. The recommendation is testing on a player before actual deployment.
  • It is important to understand the target webpage terms of service and copyrights to avoid breaking any licensing agreement.