Using Apps to Display a Data Feed

The whole purpose of creating and curating Data Feeds is to take advantage of its flexibility for presenting dynamic content on the signage screens.

Once your Data feed is set and ready to be used, you can present the data on any Data Feed compatible App or on a Dynamic Composition.

Data Feed compatible Apps are marked with the “Data Feed Enabled!” banner as below and can be also found using the search box:

OnSign data feed enabled apps

Important aspects to consider for using a Data Feed:

  • Only Data Feed compatible Apps can be used with Data Feeds.
  • The App will skip the entire Data Feed Row when the Data Feed has a blank column field for an input which is “Required” by the App.
  • Data Feed fields must be set to the same data type “Required” by the App.
    Exceptions to this rule are (Data feed Field -> App Field):
    • Integer -> Numbers
    • Data & Time -> Date
    • Date & Time -> Time
    • Image -> Media
    • Video -> Media