Play Content At a Specific Time

Use the playback at specific time option if you want to start a content at a specific time. It will then play once or every specified minutes until midnight.

For instance, let’s say your company wants to announce a campaign to collect food for donation and wants to remind employees to contribute. You can display the call for donations message at the time people typically enter or leave the company, interrupting the current loop. Learn how to set this feature up below:

  1. On your screenpublishing account Content page, choose the content you want to start playing at a certain time. Then publish it, for example by selecting “Publish” from the drop down menu which appears with a right-click on the content thumbnail.
  2. Select the player(s) you want to publish the content on.
  3. Add a restriction if needed. For example you may want to play this message only on Fridays or only until the food collection campaign is over. Without a restriction, the content will play every day when the time comes around.
  4. At the “How to Play It” box, select the “Start Playback At Specific Time” option.
    • Select the exact hour, minute and second you want the content to start. It will interrupt any content which is currently playing.
    • Choose whether you want the content to repeat and if so every how many minutes you want it to repeat. If you don’t want it to repeat, just keep it at 0 to disable any repetition.

    start playback at specific time

  5. Confirm with the orange “Publish” button.

Now, you just need to wait and check out your content when it’s playing at the time you set it to.