Local Web API

Local Web API is a simple way for integrating outside devices and trigger content in the player through a local network HTTP call.

The Local Web API is supported by screenpublishing on Android, Windows, Linux, Mac, and BrightSign players.

Important: To use the Local Web API this option must be enabled in the player settings.

enable local web api in player settings

Local Web API for Android Player 9.8.5

EndpointMethodMeaning{pattern}POSTTriggers the play of a campaign or a playlist which is configured with an interactivity containing the pattern {pattern}. the current content playing, skipping to the next one in the loop.{name}/{value}PUTSets the attribute {name} with the value {value}.{name}GETRetrieves the attribute named {name} as JSON, in the format {“name”: “attr_name”, “value”: “attr_value”}. If no value is set for this attribute or attribute doesn’t exist, returns {“name”: “attr_name”, “value”: null}. list of all attributes currently set as JSON, in the format {“attributes”: [{“name”: “attr_name”, “value”: “attr_value”}]}. If no value is set for an attribute, it is not listed.

Local Web API for Windows/Mac/Linux Player 9.3.9:

EndpointMethodMeaning{pattern}GET, POSTTriggers the play of a campaign or a playlist which is configured with an interactivity containing the pattern {pattern}., POSTStops the current content playing, skipping to the next one in the loop., POSTRetrieve the playback status as JSON, in the format {“visible”: true, “playing”: true}., POSTShows the player window. If window is already visible, nothing happens., POSTHides the player window. Playback still happens in the background., POSTStarts playing content. If content is already playing, nothing happens., POSTStops playing content. Displays a black screen until playback is resumed.