Lift & Learn Setup – Nexmosphere

To implement the lift-and-learn solution you will need:

  • screenpublishing Windows player
  • Nexmosphere Controller
  • Nexmosphere Antenna Driver
  • Nexmosphere Antenna
  • One, or more compatible RFID tags

1 – Hardware Setup

Before configuring the software, let’s make sure you have your hardware set.

  1. Connect the Antenna to an XR Receiver
  2. Connect the XR receiver to the Nexmosphere Controller
  3. Connect the Nexmosphere Controller to your PC (serial port, or USB)

*Depending on the Nexmosphere Controller you can have multiple XR Receivers connected to it.


2 – USB-to-Serial Port Setup

If using a Nexmosphere USB Controller (e.g. XN-185), you will need to check the serial port number assigned to your device.

  • Go to Windows Device manager and look for “Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port”.
  • On the example below, COM3 has been assigned.

3 – Install the screenpublishing “Serial Trigger Adapter”  module

The Serial Trigger is an additional screenpublishing Module that will read the events sent from the Nexmosphere Controller and trigger the associated content at the screenpublishing player.

  1. Start this process with the Nexmosphere connected to your PC and make sure you know the Com Port associated to your device
  2. Download the Serial Trigger Adapter (Serial Trigger Adapter for Android)
  3. Install the Serial Trigger Adapter on the player
  4. Start the Serial Trigger Adapter application
  5. Right click on the systray icon to configure the Serial port number

IMPORTANT:  Make sure you CLOSE any other serial terminal application (e.g.PuTTY) before starting the screenpublishing Serial Trigger Adapter otherwise there will be a port conflict.


4 – Test your setting using the Serial Trigger Adapter log

To make sure all is running fine, right click the “Serial Trigger Adapar” icon on the windows SysTray and click on “View log”.

With the log opened, slowly approach and remove an RFID tag to the Antenna and you will see the respective events and triggers shown in the log(see sample image below).

5 – Understanding the Nexmosphere XD Receiver LED status

The XD lights can be very useful for debugging your hardware:

  • WHITE LED ON indicates the device is working, but no tag is present.
  • NO LED indicates a Tag is detected and present
  • A blinking Red LED indicates an error (e.g. If two antennas are too close and are interfering to each other)


6 – Configure the Serial Trigger Adapter to trigger campaigns

The triggers are configured by editing a config file. Right click  the Serial Trigger Adapter icon on the windows systray bar and select “Open Settings”.

Edit the trigger and content settings and save the file. The changes will be immediately applied.


The config file follows this format:


[trigger NAME]


– trigger NAME can be any identifier

– EVENT is the event sent by the Nexmosphere module

– PATTERN is the “Keyboard” pattern configured to trigger the interactive content at the specific screenpublishing player ( more details will be provided below).

In our example we have a TAG that generates the following events:

XR[PU008] – TAG 008 added

XR[PB008] – TAG 008 removed

We will configure a trigger with pattern 1234

# Example of trigger configuration
[trigger 8]

5- Configure screenpublishing

Make sure you are running screenpublishing Windows Player version 8.0.0 or newer.

On the player settings page, enable “Local Web API”

You will need to configure the campaign(s) that will be triggered as interactivity campaigns on the player.

  1. Go to the player page -> select “interactivity”
  2. Click +Add Interaction
  3. Create a KEYBOARD rule matching the pattern previously configured on the Serial Adapter Settings

Although his rule is currently being configured as a “Keyboard” rule, on future player versions, this will be called Local Web API

Wait until the player synchronization  is finished and you now you should  be able to trigger campaigns using the Nexmosphere sensors.



6 – Additional Debugging Tools (Optional)

You can also use a standard Serial Port Terminal such as putty to make sure the Nexmosphere commands are being correctly sent to your Player.

  1. Make sure no other software is using the serial port and make sure the screenpublishing Serial Trigger Adapter is running!
  2. Download and install PuTTY
  3. Configure it to the appropriate serial port using 115200 8N1 as settings:

Once the serial port is configured and connected, approach and remove tags from the antenna and the serial port should start reading the sensor information similar to the image below: