How to use the Movies App

Display info about upcoming and box office movies on signage displays.

The Upcoming movies App will feature several pieces of info for box office and soon to be released movies for every country. Get to display movie title, poster, main actors and actresses, genre and director.

  1. In the “Content” tab of your screenpublishing account, hit “New” followed by “App”.
  2. Browse for movies or find it among the “Entertainment” category.
  3. Once in the Upcoming movies App editor, you simply have to fill out the customization boxes to your needs and preferences! There are also layout customization options:
    • Select if you wish to display current movies being displayed on screen, or the ones to be released shortly.
    • Define how many movies are displayed. You have to display at least 5 up to 20 movies by popularity.
    • Define the playback times for each movie (in seconds).
    • Select your country.
    • Set other custom settings, such as font type, colors and background image. There are animation options for the background and transition as well.
  4. “Preview” the adjustments and “Save” it. Now, simply add it to a campaign!