How to use the Menu Board – Casual App

The Menu Board – Casual App is part of the Menu Boards & Tables app category. This app presents a comprehensive menu in table form. Besides the dish name, a subtext for mouth-watering explanations, and the price, icons for highlights or ingredients such as most popular, spicy, vegetarian, or warning of allergens make the menu all the more explicit and patron-friendly.

All entries except for the item name are optional, making this app customizable for other applications than menus, too.

The menu app is designed to showcase one rotating special offer with an image at a time as an optional function.

menu board app 2 columns 1 special offer

The maximum columns on one page is two. The special offer takes up an additional column. For menu boards without a special offer, only two columns are shown. You can define how many of up to 7 rows are shown per page. For more items than fitting on the rows and columns, the board transitions to a next page. By default, special offer items do not enter the table, but can be made to be included.

This app gets its contents from a data feed. The app tells us the required information. Except for the item name, all other entries are optional.

menu board app requirements

  • A text column for the Item Name. This is the name of the dish.
  • An image file for the Item Icon, a symbol to offer orientation of the menu at a glance. You can take your own designs or browse in an icon library, e.g. Flaticon, and many more. It needs to be a png (or alternatively jpg) file. Many icons are svg files which can’t be used here.
  • A number column for the Item Price. By default, this is a decimal number. As some currencies don’t use decimals, the decimal point can be removed by checking the corresponding box at the very bottom of the app settings.
    menu board app settings
  • A text column for detailed description of the dish, here named Item Subtitle. Be mindful of the length. Of special offer items, only a few words can be shown. The font in the menu columns will shrink to fit the whole text, but if the text is too long it gets very small. We advise limiting the text maximum length in the data feed to about 60 characters.
    data feed text field max length
  • A text column for the Currency Symbol. Given that you’ll likely work with one currency throughout the whole menu, you can pass on this and instead define a Default Currency Symbol in the menu board app settings.
    menu app default currency symbol
  • An image file for the Special Offer Image to showcase the dish. Horizontal images work best. When using vertical images, the item itself should be in the very center of the image.
  • And last, a toggle whether the item is to be included in the Special Offer rotation.
  1. Create a data feed with the content of the appmenu app new data feedThis can be a manual data feed on the screenpublishing platform or an outside source like CVS, Google Sheets and so on. We create a manual data feed.
  2. Create a Menu Board – Casual App and connecting to the data feed
    1. Select New App > Menu Boards & Tables > Menu Board – Casual App
    2. Name the App and connect the Menu Board Data Feedmenu app connect data feed
    3. Confirm if the columns are assigned correctly.
    4. Personalize the amount of lines per column, the durations of special offers and on pages, font, colors, background, and the language of the labels.
    5. Your Menu Board – Casual App is now ready to be published.

    Watch the how to set up the Menu Board – Casual App in action: