How to track content usage

Quickly browse where media files, apps, campaigns and playlists are used and displayed.

To check out exactly where each of your files, including images, videos, audio, apps and image compositions are displayed. Visualize file usage in campaigns, playlists and players:

  1. In your Screenpublishing account, click “Content” on the sidebar menu.
  2. Select any item in your account, be it a file, app, campaigns or playlist.
  3. Right-click over the selected icon and select “Show Usage”.
    1show usage
  4. A new pop-up window will show where this item is displayed. There are two tabs which classify the playback as “direct” or “indirect”:
    1show usage
    • Direct Usage: This is the first instance you added this item.
    • Indirect Usage: Here are other locations this item appears.
    • Example 1: If you select to show usage for an image added to a campaign and a playlist which are then published to different devices, on the “Direct Usage” tab you will see the campaign and playlist names, while the players will be under “Indirect Usage”.
    • Example 2: For another campaign, you published an image to one device but also added it to a playlist being displayed on another screen. Under “Direct Usage” you will see the player on which you published the campaign and the playlist. Under “Indirect Usage” you will see the other player containing the playlist belongs to.
  5. If you wish to remove the content from any instance, you can click on the area to go straight into the right page and edit from there.
    • Clicking on a campaign will load the Campaign editor page.
    • Clicking on the playlist will lead to the Playlist editor page.
    • Clicking on a device will redirect to the Campaigns in Player page.