How to estimate playlist duration

Obtain a precise estimative of playlist duration taking into account content restrictions.

Deploying playlists is a great strategy to keep strict control of content playback on your signage network. On a single page you are able to have an overview of signage playback, and target content based on time, day of the week, location and player tags.

With so many targeting options, it is posible that the playlist duration changes depending on date and player to which it was published. Follow the tutorial below to have an estimative based on these parameters:

    1. Create a playlist or choose an existing one.
    1. Click on “Estimate playlist duration” button below playlist basic info.

    1. In the pop-up window screenpublishing will ask you for when, where and which tags you want to get the estimative for. By default, screenpublishing will fill it with current time, but you can choose any day and time.

      For instance, below we first selected Saturday 7AM.

    1. Now let’s get the estimate duration for the same playlist, but now for a weekday 7AM:

As you might have noticed, the playlist duration is shorter on Saturday than on Weekdays. This might be due to campaign playback resctriction, as some campaigns are set to be displayed only on weekdays. These restrictions are visible through the clock icon displayed on campaign thumbnail corner .