How to define Player location

Knowing a Player name is good, but sometimes with a large signage network, its location will give you a better idea of which Player you are currently looking at.

By default, your screenpublishing account tries to use your Player’s GPS, Wi-Fi or IP address to determine its location. But especially for offline Players, this information is not readily available. Luckily, you can determine your Player’s location in your account.

  1. Go to the “Players” tab in your screenpublishing account and select the corresponding Player, whose location you want to set.
  2. From the new menu, select “Settings”.
    click on settings
  3. Scroll down till you reach the “Player Location Fallback” section.
    • Here you see where your Player is currently determined at.
    • As stated, the Player’s location is determined by GPS, Wi-Fi or IP address when possible. If the location is not correct, simply hold the pin clicked and place it at its right location. The text field on the map will take any location information it is provided from the map.
    • Alternatively, you can simply type the location into the text field on the map, ridding you of the need to be too exact with your pin dropping.
  4. Name the location in the “Player Location Name” text field if you want.
  5. Don’t forget to click on “Save Changes” at the very bottom before exiting the page.