How to create Player Groups

Group players together and publish content faster.

When you reach a certain number of players, campaign managing can become confusing. How to make sure you are publishing the right content to the right player? Well, player grouping is the answer! Combine player displaying similar content into groups and speed up the publishing process.

  1. Click on the “Player Groups” tab in your screenpublishing account.
  2. Hit the orange “Create Player Group” button on the top-right corner.
  3. Name the new Group and add Tags to it if you find fitting.
    2. fill group info
  4. Click once over each pale grey player you want to add to the group. The player turns teal colored. If there are two many players on your account use the search box to find the players you need.
    3. select players
  5. Confirm with “Save Group” on the top of the page.
    saved group
  6. Now it is time to begin campaign publishing! Player groups behave the same way as players do. Just click on “Publish to Group” next to the Player Group’s icon and set the playback filters. It will apply to all players within the group.
    •  Alternatively, click on the Player Group, then select “Campaigns in Group”, followed by the orange “Publish Campaign to Group” button and set the playback filters.campaigns in group