How to create a Dynamic Composition

The Composition Feature lets you be your own app designer on the screenpublishing suite. The customization possibilities are near endless! Take a blank canvas and design away.

  1. Click on the New button on your Content page and select Composition.
    new dynamic composition
  2. This will lead you to the Composition workspace. You can decide on landscape or portrait format, then choose a template or start a blank canvas.
    templates in dynamic composition
  3. We start with a blank canvas.
    blank dynamic composition
  4. You can fill your canvas with text, colored shapes, images, videos, and even apps.
    dynamic composition content, text, shapes, layers
    1. For background, for example, choose a Rectangular shape from the Shapes tab or a piece of content from the Content tab, then drag and reshape it to fit on the canvas.
      dynamic composition shapes
      dynamic composition content

      When resizing images and videos, we recommend to drag them by the corner, not the sides, to keep the proportions.

    2. Both media and shapes have many properties you can customize, like size, colors, animations, shadows, and borders.
      dynamic composition customize media and shapes with size, colors, animations, shadows, and borders
      dynamic composition customize media and shapes with size, colors, animations, shadows, and borders
    3. You can add several layers of images and shapes over each other. To jump between layers, use the Layers tab.
      dynamic composition layers
  5. The Text tab allows you to insert free text, but also import content from specific Data Feed columns and rows.dynamic composition text to import data feed
    1. Select a text style to start. You can always change the font later.
      dynamic composition font
    2. Customize the text font, alignment, style, color, background color, and size. Also add animations, shadows, or borders, if you like.
      dynamic composition connect data feed to text field
    3. You can type free text into the text box on the canvas or you can connect to a column of a Data Feed. For this, uncollapse the Data Feed menu and connect a Data Feed of your choosing.
      dynamic composition connect data feed to text field
    4. You can select which Column to choose from, which Row, and – if you decide to cycle through content – for how long each Row will be shown.
      dynamic composition connect data feed to text field
    5. By clicking on the little gear icon to the right of the Feed name, you can further narrow down the range, how it’s sorted, and add custom filters.
      dynamic composition data feed range
    6. You can add more text fields and connect them to different Data Feed Columns, but also different Data Feeds.
  6. Preview and Save your Composition
    save dynamic composition
  7. Your Composition is now ready to be published.

This feature is supported by all player versions, including player versions pre 10. There are only some limitations for new Samsung SoCs while player support for Tizen 6.5 is in beta.