How to add files, media and Apps to a Playlist

Pack all files in a Playlist loop!

Playlists are a great way for organizing and packaging your content. Once your Playlist is created, they can be published to a single Player, or a group of Players.

A Playlist can be built with:

  1. Media files or Apps
  2. Campaigns
  3. Other already created Playlists

Important:Media files and Apps directly added to the Playlist will always play on full screen.

This is how to organize files in Playlists:

  1. In your screenpublishing account Content page, click on “New”.
  2. Select “Playlist”.
  3. Fill out the pbasic info like Playlist Name, Folder, Category, Tags and cycling.
    print playlist
  4. Use the left box to either select: Campaigns, Playlists, or content media files (scrolling down).playlist choose files
  5. Drag the selected file or App into the Playlist and move them around if you want to change the sorting order.playlist add files
    • Click on the gear icon to adjust the display duration for images, Apps and other files.playlist gear icon
    • Video files are set to full length duration. In case you wish to modify the duration, you can also adjust those by through the gear icon.playlist edit file duration
  6. Click on “Save and Publish”.