Fallback Loop

Set standard Content to play outside of work hours or maintenance with the Fallback Loop. This publishing filter sets Content to play only when other Content is not scheduled to play.

Tip: Use this feature for Content which is not directed at a specific audience and doesn’t depend on time nor dates. Examples are institutional information, soothing images, jokes, inspirational quotes, etc.

  1. On the Content page of your screenpublishing account, right-click on the Content and select “Publish” from the pop-up menu.OnSign publish content
  2. Click “Publish” in the top-right corner.
    OnSign publish to players
  3. Select on which Players you want the Content to be played.
  4. Underneath the “How to Play It” box, select “Play on Fallback Loop”.OnSign fallback loop
  5. Within Fallback Loop, you can also set Playback Restrictions which have the Content play during a period of time or within specific regions like you would with any other content.
  6. When done, confirm with “Publish”.
  7. To view your Fallback Loop, click on the Players tab. Select the Player to which you have published the Content, then select “Content in Players” from the sidebar menu. The “Fallback Loop” list is right under the list of the “Primary Loop”.OnSign content in players fallback loop