Display Player screen view on website

Obtain an embed code and paste it to any website to display the Player screen view

*AVAILABLE ONLY FOR SELECTED PLANS! Request our support team to enable this feature on your account.

    1. In your account, go to the “Players” tab.
    2. Select the Player you want to display on the site.
    3. Click on the “Remote View” option on the left sidebar menu. Note that this feature is only visible on Players compatible with the screenpublishing Signage Platform Module or rooted. For more information, read this note.
    4. Click on “Create embed code”, right under the current Player screen view.

Mind that this feature will heavily increase network traffic. We estimate an increase of about 5GB a month. Be aware that this is not a real-time stream and not suitable for video applications, only images and apps. The player screen view is refreshed every 5 minutes. Lastly, although it is not possible to remotely control the Player through the embed code, anyone can see the screen even when you leave the screenpublishing App. Make sure you are sharing a screen used exclusively for digital signage and not for example your computer screen.

  1. Now you just need to copy the code provided in the box and paste it to your site.

You can disable the embed code anytime, voiding the URL.