Add restriction to content

Use this feature to add restriction to content which should apply to all players. You can make this setting apply to certain times, certain dates, certain player tags, or player locations.

For instance, if you have a Christmas or seasonal message. Maybe you want a content to play from Monday to Friday, but never on weekends. Also you can manage content by tags or geolocations of the players, for example set GeoRegions where your content only plays in specific geographic locations.

If you wish to apply restriction to a content in a single or several players – but not all of them -, check the basic content publishing tutorial.

There are several ways to set the restriction. For all content types, you can set the restriction from the Content page. In case of a Campaign or Playlist, you can also do it from the Publish page in the Campaign or Playlist.

Let’s start with the method which applies to all content types. Further below we will showcase the method from the Publish page of a Campaign or Playlist.

Restrict content on Content page

Note, this restriction method requires player version 10 or above.

  1. Go to your Content page.
  2. Look for the content piece and right-click on it.
  3. Select “Restrictions” from the menu.
    restrict content
  4. A new window will open up.
    set restrictions
  5. Change the option “Play with no restriction” to “Play only when…”. By the way, the same works for a negative restriction “Don’t play when…”. Then, click the blue “Add Restriction” button.
    play only when
  6. Next, you get to set the exact days, time, date, tag, and location restrictions. For time-related restrictions change the radio check-box from “Always Play” to “During a Period of Time”. Then adjust the settings to your needs. For our Christmas message, we keep it every day and every hour, but limit the restriction to between December 1st and 26th.
    set date restrictions
  7. At the bottom, you save your settings with the orange “Apply” button.
  8. You can also add other restrictions or set your restrictions in Logic Mode. Don’t forget to “Confirm” the restrictions.
    confirm restrictions
  9. On your Content page, you can see that the content has a restriction by the little clock icon in the top-right corner of the thumbnail.
    restriction icon

Restrict Campaign or Playlist from Publish page

This restriction works on all player versions, older and more recent from 10 onwards.

  1. In a Campaign or Playlist page, select “Publish” from the menu.
  2. In the Playlist Restrictions box, click at the pencil icon on the right.
    add restriction on campaign
  3. Change the option “Play with no restriction” to “Play only when…” or “Don’t play when…”. Then, click the blue “Add Restriction” button.
    add restriction button
  4. This is where you get to set the exact days, time, date, tag, and location restrictions. For time-related restrictions change the radio check-box from “Always Play” to “During a Period of Time”. Then adjust the settings to your needs. For our Christmas message, we keep it every day and every hour, but limit the restriction to between December 1st and 26th.
    set restrictions
  5. At the bottom, you save your settings with the orange “Apply” button.
  6. You can also add other restrictions or you can set your restrictions in Logic Mode. Don’t forget to “Save” the restrictions.
  7. The applied restrictions are displayed above all players your campaign or playlist is published to.
    restrictions applied

Lastly, it is important that the player’s restriction are within the content’s restriction, or else your content will never be displayed. Example: If you have a Monday to Friday restriction on a content, but publish this content to a player with a weekend restriction.